Communication Skills Training and Coaching

Communication is a core skill in so much of what we do in business, management and the managing of people and yet few organisations invest in training their people with effective communication skills.

Talent Vitality delivers outstanding course content with engaging and practical exercises to facilitate growth in the pertinent areas of Communication & Presentation. We’re geared up for both today and tomorrow’s requirements in the digital and multimedia era.

Through a Talent Vitality Communication and Presentation Skills Course, Andrew Jones will help you achieve a better understanding of how to tell your story and achieve career success.

Talent Vitality Communication and Presentation Skills Course

I have worked extensively with clients around the globe on bringing their Storytelling, Communication, Presentation Skills and Public Speaking to and beyond world class levels

Andy Jones…

Talent Vitality - Communication and Presentation Skills


Communication and Presentation Skills

  • Brain Friendly Slides & Presentations
  • Business Storytelling
  • Speech Writing and Delivery – how to captivate your audience!
  • Business NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)